What is Reformer Pilates?

Reformer Pilates is a specific machine that is used to conduct Pilates exercises on. It was introduced to us by Joseph Pilates alongside other machines such as the Cadillac, the Wunda chair, and the Spine corrector.
It is a machine which consists of a bed with a padded platform on top, named the carriage. This carriage is attached to springs so it can slide and move freely. There are also straps, pulleys and a footbar so you can work your arms or legs through the movements. The springs and pulleys make the reformer such a versatile machine. By adjusting the spring tension, the resistance provided by the reformer is altered, assisting or challenging you. It makes you work your limbs whilst using your stabilising muscle groups to maintain correct posture and alignment.
Most exercises on the reformer involve some sort of pushing and/or pulling action. Other exercises involve keeping the carriage still whilst the tension of the springs works against you.
The reformer can be used in many different positions: lying, sitting, kneeling, all fours, on your tummy, standing and more.
How can it assist you?
· It is supportive! The bed supports your weight. It is also great for those who struggle to get on and off the floor as it is higher.
· The straps and footbar can be used to assist your arms and legs, making an exercise easier, or for example offloading your leg muscles so you can really focus on the abdominals.
· Feedback. The sensory feedback from lying on the carriage informs your movement, as well as the use of the straps and footbar, helping with control of the movement, creating more accurate movements.
How can it challenge you?
· Changing the spring setting can enhance the intensity of an exercise very easily. Adding more springs increases resistance. Reducing the springs challenges the abdominal control as your body works harder to control the movement.
· By increasing the load and speed of the exercises you can build cardiovascular endurance.
· Its versatility enables you to be challenged in many different positions and makes it a fun workout!
Should I choose Reformer or Mat Pilates?
This really is a personal choice. Both methods work your deep abdominals, makes performing daily activities and sports easier, relive aches and pains, and tone your body. The best thing is to try both and see what suits you best.

· As you use your body weight and small equipment, it is more functional to every day life
· It provides more flow and freedom in the movements than a reformer session and there are certain movements (such as rolling like a ball) that can only be done on the mat
· As you are working with a machine, most exercises involve a push and pull aspect.
· The reformer provides more feedback and support, so it can be useful for those struggling to engage their core and control mat exercises.
· Can be intensified very quickly, and may be a nice progressive/change for those used to mat Pilates.
Although reformer Pilates can definitely intensify and challenge the body, remember that it is not only for advanced/ really strong clients and is in fact a super piece of equipment for rehabilitation or those new to the Pilates method.

Remember the best way to know which one is best for you, is to try both! Pilates with Sarah is offering 1:1 Reformer classes and a range of mat classes, 1:1 and 2:1 options.